Wir dür­fen wei­te­re Aus­zeich­nun­gen zu unse­rem Pro­jekt “The Eagle — Moun­tain Top Restau­rant” ent­ge­gen­neh­men!
Gra­tu­la­ti­on an das gesam­te Pro­jekt­team!
We are proud to announ­ce ano­ther Award wins for “The Eagle — Moun­tain Top Restau­rant” !
Con­grats to the pro­ject team!

- Ico­nic Awards 2021
  for Inno­va­ti­ve Archi­tec­tu­re

- A’De­sign Award Sil­ver Win­ner 2021
- Ger­man Design Award 2022 Nomi­nee

learn more: The Eagle

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